16-17 NOVEMBER 2024

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Eiran Davies

What makes a cheese Kosher?

Most people who keep Kosher probably think they know what makes one kind of cheese kosher, and another not. In my experience, even most Rabbis don’t really understand the laws regarding the kashrut of cheese! Come and learn how the laws of meat and milk fit together, and what constitutes a kosher cheese.

Shechita- Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask.

Shechita-kosher slaughter is often discussed in the public sphere, and I find that peoples’ discussion of our ancient custom is not grounded in real knowledge. Come and learn what Shechita entails, and how it compares to non-kosher slaughter methods.

Moshe David HaCohen

Moshe David HaCohen moved almost one year ago with his wife and five children from Israel to Malmö. He serves as the rabbi of the Judiska Församlingen in Malmö as well as co-directs Amanah: The Muslim and Jewish Trust and Faith Project with Imam Salahuddin Barakat – which fosters bonding between the Jewish and Muslim communities in Malmö. He is completing his PhD studies and dissertation in Jewish history and philosophy at the University of Haifa.

Akeidat Yitchak or Ishmael”  An interactive Beit Midrash/Madrasa learning session

In this interactive session, the participants will engage the public with a joint sharing of the traditional Jewish Beit Midrash and the Muslim Madrasa – learning and comparing interpretations of the Biblical story of the sacrifice of Abraham’s son. Which son was this? Come to find out! Together with Salahudin Barakat

DYING TO LIVE OR LIVING TO DIE? A testimony of Tim Leary and Rabbi Menahem Froman on the deathbed.

Since the spiritual awakening of the hippie counterculture of the sixties, our relation to death has become a focal theme. The publication of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, as well as discussion by Jewish Renewal leaders such as Reb Zalman Shacter Shalomi and Reb Shlomo Carlebach and contemporary Rabbi Menaham Froman in Israel propose a relation to death as a sacred experience rather than a primal human fear. Together with Salahuddin Barakat

Tradition and Sexuality

together with Carmel HaCohen, Fazeela Selberg Zaib, Imam Salahuddin Barakat,

Is Kosher kosher?

Ethical and ecological aspects of the food we are eating

Gidon Bromberg

Gidon Bromberg is the Israeli Director of EcoPeace Middle East. EcoPeace is a unique regional organization that brings together Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli environmentalists to promote sustainable development and advance peace efforts in the Middle East.  Mr. Bromberg has written extensively on the relationship between water issues and Middle East peace and has presented before the US Congress, Eurpean Parliament and UN forums. Mr. Bromberg, an attorney by profession, is an alumni of Monash University in Australia, Washington College of Law at American University and Yale University’s World Fellows program.

24 Years of Regional Cooperation on the Environment in the Middle East – The history of EcoPeace Middle East

Denna session ger en historik av EcoPeace-rörelsen och det är logiskt att schemalägga den före Gidons nästa två sessioner. På engelska

Climate change, the ME Water Crises and the need for a Middle East Water Energy Community

The Jordan River and Dead Sea – how low can we get?

Isabele Blommé

Isabel Blommé, cellist, är utbildad vid Edsbergs Musikinstitut och Kungliga Musikhögskolan. Hon har medverkat vid många internationella musikfestivaler, spelat i TV och radio, är sedan nio år tillbaka medlem i den välrenommerade Indrakvartetten och sedan 2009 cellist i Stahlhammer Klezmer Classic

Välkomna, i Limmudyrans intellektuella föreläsningar, att koppla av och få igång livsandarna! Röra på kroppen till härlig levande akustisk Klezmermusik. Semmy Stahlhammer, Isabele Blommé och Miriam Oldenburg spelar upp till dansen som leds av Heléne Don Lind.


Yoni Berrous

Yoni Berrous was born in France and made Aliyah with his family in 1992. He has a MA in International Relations from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2007, Yoni Berrous began working as a guide for students and Israeli security personnel at Yad Vashem. Currently he is the Head of the European Jewish Programming in the International School for Holocaust Studies at Yad Vashem. He is responsible for Holocaust educational training for formal and informal educators from Jewish communities in Europe. He also leads day study programs in Jewish schools and communities around Europe. These tools are adapted especially for different age groups and for a Jewish learning environment.

Rethinking Jewish Identity During and After the Shoah

The diaries written during the Holocaust primarily recorded the horrific experience suffered by their authors at the time of writing. Nevertheless, through the description of their experiences it is possible to discern thoughts and insights concerning questions of identity, in particular, Jewish Identity. During this lecture, we will present the way in which Jewish writers contended with these questions.

Ilan Ben-Dov

A Liberal Democracy in a Jihadist Region – Dilemmas and Challenges

Being a liberal democracy protecting human rights and the rule of law is a significant challenge to a society living under the daily threat of violence and terrorism. Are there any “good” solutions?

Ulla Bab Rydbeck

Kultur- och mediepolitisk rådgivare hos Socialdemokraterna i riksdagen. Ordförande i Maria S-förening på Södermalm och ordförande i Socialdemokratiska Israelvänner. Musiklärarexamen från Kungliga Musikhögskolan samt studier i statsvetenskap och engelska.

Mer judiskt att vara vänster eller höger?

Många socialistiska texter är skrivna av judiska intellektuella och Israel grundades på socialistiska principer. Samtidigt har judar historiskt sett klarat sig bättre i kapitalistiska samhällen och idag förknippas Israel mer med start-ups än kibbutzer. Var på den politiska skalan hör judar egentligen hemma?

Harry Amster

Harry Amster har skrivit i Svenska Dagbladet i 23 år om nöje, kultur och Mellanösternkonflikten. Han har intervjuat artister som Paul McCartney, Beyoncé och Mel Brooks. Dessutom specialiserat sig på 60-talspopen, där Leonard Cohen var en monumentalfigur som slog igenom det magiska popåret 1967.

Hur judisk var Leonard Cohen?

Harry Amster och Stina Dabrowski berättar och visar klipp ur tv-intervjuer. Tobias Kessler och Nathalie Neuman spelar Cohenlåtar

Jonathan Agami

Jonatan Agami is an awarded photographer, data strategist and fact seeker. He has worked and lived in different fields and in different continents. Graduated from Paideia and Hyper Island in Stockholm

How the media coverage of the Israeli and Swedish news outlets – of each other,

shapes the public opinion emotions. We all know how the media converge of Israel is in the Swedish mediain this session I want us to look at and analyze the other side.

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