Moderator: The Land is Full: Addressing Israel’s Population Challenge.
Israel’s population has grown to nine million people, which has caused acute environmental and social crises. The presentation considers the ramifications of this: from pollution and dwindling natural resources to overcrowded classrooms, courtrooms, and roads. It examines the different approaches in Jewish tradition towards fertility, Israel’s population policies and describes how they must change to support a sustainable future. The lecture is based on Tal’s book “The Land is Full”.
Paula Grossman är Sfi-lärare (pensionerad), lärare i jiddisch och läromedelsförfattare. Har arbetat som miljökonsulent. Representant i Sverige för Ecopeace Middle East och Judiska Församlingen Stockholms representant i interreligiösa miljögrupper. Har lett en judisk vegansk matlagningsgrupp.
Foto: Monica Lindvall