15-16 NOVEMBER 2025

Vartn af Godot (Waiting for Godot in Yiddish).

When Vartn af Godot premiered with YiddishRep in NYC, the The New Yorker proclaimed that “Beckett’s play may finally have found its mother tongue”. Now Vartn af Godot will occupy the fine salons of Dramaten on November 13-14. In this session, actors Shane Baker and Michael Wex discuss the play with Abbe Schulman, Chairman of the Yiddish Society in Stockholm and Lizzie Oved Scheja, Executive Director of Judisk Kultur i Sverige, the driving forces behind the project, as well as Irena Kraus, dramaturge at Dramaten. Moderator: Sarah Schulman.

Michael Wex is a Yiddish actor, novelist, translator, and scholar of Yiddish language and literature.

Foto: Zoe Gemelli

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