Screenwriter, actress and script consultant Daniella Mendel-Enk (b.1977) has worked in various radio, TV and film productions since she began her career as an actress for Swedish Radio in 1988. In 2002 she started writing for and acting in comedy sketches for radio, and has since then successfully moved into television. With a talent for suspenseful drama and smart comedy with emphasis on complex characters and sharp dialogue, Mendel-Enk has gained vast experience from working in writers’ rooms, writing episodes for various television and film productions, among them feature film “Sune Vs Sune” (2018), the academy award nominated “Livet i Mattelandelandet” and the highly popular comedy drama “Solsidan” (Sunnyside).
How to develope Tv-series/drama, fighting stereotypes and being the jew in ”The Screenwriting Room”.
Jag kommer att gå igenom hur man utvecklar tv-serier och hur man utvecklar karaktär. Jag kommer att prata om hur man hanterar fördomar och undviker stereotypisk tänkande när man utvecklar karaktärer. Hur kön och kulturell bakgrund påverkar ditt berättande och ditt perspektiv samt hur det i sin tur påverkar dig i ett arbetsrum fullt av personer med helt andra erfarenheter.