How water and environment can facilitate public diplomacy and conflict transformation.
What links environment, water and peace? What role might faith-based communities have in peacemaking? Prof. Aaron Wolf, author of The Spirit of Dialogue, links faith and conflict transformation and Elizabeth A. Yaari, Senior Prog Manager SIWI Transboundary Water Cooperation Dept, shares practitioner’s perspective on how to support/build engagement in water diplomacy, including environmental sustainability and social context. This interactive session, including an exercise leveraged in real-world water diplomacy processes. The session ends with Q&A.
Aaron T. Wolf directs the Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation, through which he has offered workshops, facilitations, and mediations around the world. He is the author of The Spirit of Dialogue: Lessons from Faith Traditions in Transforming Conflict, that he uses to bring capacity-building to a variety of conflict settings, notably between entities who share water resources, and also in faith and interfaith communities, and within and between government agencies.