16-17 NOVEMBER 2024

To understand left wing anti-Semitism today it is necessary to appreciate how it differs from what it meant historically. While traditional left wing anti-Semitism essentially blamed Jews for the evils of capitalism, contemporary left wing anti-Semitism, can best be understood as a bizarre mash-up of identity politics combined with elements of Islamism. Hear a current perspective on UK antisemitism.


Session holder

Daniel Ben-Ami is an author, journalist and founder of the website ”The Radicalism of Fools – on rethinking anti-Semitism”. He has contributed to numerous national, specialist and international publications, and his books include Ferraris For All (2010) and Cowardly Capitalism (2001).

Tommy Ringart är ordförande i Föreningen förintelsens överlevande och arbetade tidigare som journalist och kommunikationschef.


Foto: Tom Fenn (Ben-Ami), okänt (Silberstein)

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