The power of the Israeli youth in changing environmental policyIsrael is well known for the country’s innovative achievements within climate tech, meanwhile the country faces challenges, trying to keep up with other developed countries regarding climate change. The younger, often more environmentally aware, generation is trying to come up with solutions where the Israeli political system fails. What can Israel learn from Sweden’s progressive approach regarding environmental issues?
Session holders
Nir Peretz is studying Environmental Economics and Management at The Hebrew University. He has previously studied at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and worked as a consultant within the environmental, social and governance field (ESG).
Noam Boker is studying Environmental Economics and Management in Israel and is currently participating in an exchange program at SLU, Uppsala.
Paula Grossman är miljöaktivist och representant i Sverige för Ecopeace Middle East. Tidigare miljökonsulent, inriktad på övergången till växtbaserad kost, läromedelsförfattare samt lärare i jiddisch och svenska för invandrare.
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