16-17 NOVEMBER 2024

Around the world, researchers, entrepreneurs and investors are driving the transition to the sustainable food system of the future. Israel’s foodtech ecosystem has quickly become a world leader, and after the United States, Israel is the country that has invested the most in alternative protein sources. Hear four entrepreneurs and incubators talk about how they scaled innovations like lab-grown meat and 3D-printed fish.



Jacqueline Dangoor Engdahl är nybliven egenföretagare inom food tech som har fram tills nyligen var ansvarig för ICAs initiativ ICA Växa – en långsiktig storsatsning på att öka andelen svenskproducerad, växtbaserad mat och gynna innovation inom livsmedelsbranschen.

Stefan Rokem forskar och undervisar i bioteknik och miljövård på Hebreiska universitetet i Israel. Född och uppvuxen i Stockholm, men gjorde aliyah 1975 och var med och grundade en reformförsamling i Mevasseret Zion, utanför Jerusalem 1991. Religiös ledare för unga pensionärer på Glämsta 2021 & 2022.

Ofek Ron is a social entrepreneur and animal activist. CEO & Co-Founder of Plantish, a foodtech company on a mission to save the oceans by creating delicious, whole-cut, plant-based fish.

Yaron Sfadyah is the director of business development at Future Meat Technologies, serving both in the US and Israel. He comes from a religious background, working in medical, semiconductor and foodtech, where he combines value and technology with trust, creativity and playfulness.


Foto: Or Paravoz (Rokem), Unknown (Others) 

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